The Lighthouse

the lighthouse

20 April 2015

Isolated : Five sentence fiction

I missed this one, so was not in time to link up with Lillie McFerrin Writes and the Five Sentence Fiction challenge.
Here is my response all the same:

We stand behind her, one at each shoulder like a guard at her back. She faces a door - clear glass to view the world, yet closed, unbreachable and impassable. We sense the yearning in her; she is longing, straining to open the door and enter the world, but is frozen. Isolated.


  1. You may have missed the FSF posting, but I found it anyway!

    I would tease you about not writing much, but I haven't done so well myself in March and April...

  2. Hello K - good to see you here. (Not that I've given you much reason to stop by of late)

    March and April were what they were. Onward into May!
