The Lighthouse

the lighthouse

20 January 2011


Playing Wii with Three. I think it was Sport Resort bowling.... or maybe it was baseball or tennis. Anyway, it was a game he was very good at the first time, but this second time around, it was a little more challenging for him.  To put it bluntly, my mii was beating the snot out of his mii. 

Being a boy Peanut, he is very competitive. He tries to take things in stride, but it is very hard for him, and very personal to him to be beaten by his Tante.

"I feel like I'm going to die tomorrow!" was his very plaintive cry.  Poor boy.


  1. Now, I thought Papa Nut was (insert strong negative adjective here) opposed to gaming systems!!

    See what happens when one moves to a cushy tropical get soft:):):)


  2. Hello Warren! Thanks for dropping by.
    Papa Nut doesn't oppose them so much when he's got the top score in Sport Resort Archery, or is knocking in the homeruns in baseball.
    It's a relative opposition.
