The Lighthouse

the lighthouse

02 June 2010

Gleeful in Sohoe

Do you watch Glee?

Ok, good. Neither do I.

I can't begin to tell you how absolutely beautiful the weather has been here in Sohoe. For weeks! It's been so warm, consistently day after day, that all the flora and all the fauna has burst into song and dance (each in their species-appropriate ways)

Where normally one leaf would grow, there are two or three. A quartet of birds has become a full-fledged orchestra of song.

This morning, the squirrels were in full-out Glee mode. The were chattering in harmony, taking turns with the lead melody line. They were performing complex and perfectly synchronized choreography up and down the fence, across the patio, over and around the container plants, zigging and zagging, then pausing for dramatic effect before exiting stage left to resounding bravos from the chorus of crows.

It was a glittering, Rock Hudson, Doris Day extravaganza!

I wanted to join them.

(catch the quote?)


  1. This morning (as it is with every morning), the machines were in full-out horror mode. They were grinding in dissonance, taking turns screaming the loudest cacophony. They were rumbling out a complex and out-of-sync set of movements up and down the streets, through the backyards, over and around the unfinished lots, groaning and growling, then idling for dramatic effect before exiting stage left to the pitiful boo's from the chorus of homeowners.

    If it weren't for my glass tile . . .

  2. Hmmm... it must be someone else who looks like you who sits gazing towards the big flat screen while I watch Glee..... !!! Or were you being "ironical"? perhaps?

    and the answer is..... MBFW!!
