The Lighthouse

the lighthouse

19 April 2009


It is a little ironical that I have been meaning to write about motherhood and what moms and mothering means to me, a single woman of certain years, and childless. A friend suggested I submit some writing to a contest, the subject of which being moms and motherhood. I've been mulling over lately, whether it is being a mother to someone that makes a woman womanly. How much of being a mom is there in femininity? Can I have those qualities fulfilled if I am not a mom?

This week I am playing at being mom. I am (with the very able assistance of my own experienced mom) looking after Number Four and Number Five. I find myself with shockingly little time for sloth or idleness eh Phipps...or for writing about motherhood. (Did you catch that quote?) So, while I am elbow deep in diapers, runny noses and inspiration for things to write about, I am not likely to get much of it down on paper, or tapped into a keyboard.

As I wade, elbow deep in these fundamentals of life, I offer prayer upon prayer for all you moms who do this for real. God bless you! God bless you! God bless you!

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